Wednesday, August 20, 2008

"Organized" Chaos!

That's what I feel like my life has been this summer. Working from home (even 40 hours a week these last 2-3 weeks) and being a mom, and ministry-wife has been challenging. The girls have done awesome this summer with entertaining themselves and each other while I worked. Much smoother than I anticipated!
So last weekend we went up to Huntington Lake with some of the college kids. It was so beautiful and the weather was refreshing. Just what I needed. It was fun getting to know some of the college kids that were newer. The girls had a blast, of course, and were as dirty as can be. Really, I'm still trying to figure out how we generated so much laundry in three short days. It was all great, until we were driving home off the mountain and in her sleep, Ellie threw up all over Sami (must've been car sickness on the windy road). KK started laughing hysterically and proceeded to announce that "it smells like french fries in here" (even though it was only after breakfast). Since we were driving separate cars and I had the girls by myself, I had to continue on to home with such a lovely atmosphere. Even though it was 100 degrees outside, Sami kept her head out the window until we got home. That's probably what I'll remember most about this camping trip. Here are a few pictures from our trip.

The crew at the lake...
Playing with friends.

Badminton seemed to be the game of choice
for the weekend (Sami taking a shot).

And funny for Brian, after dropping some college kids off at church on Sunday afternoon, he was driving home and saw some friends from the Cornerstone (Anaheim), where he had been on staff for 10 years. Keith and Lisa Hindsley (friends from the worship team), their son Tyler and friend, along with Eric and Angie Gunter (who was our jr high pastor with Brian), their daughter, and Dave and Jane Woods (they are all part of one family) were getting gas at a station by our church in Fresno. Brian 'happened' to see them as he was driving by, and turned into the station. Come to find out that they had been camping all week at the same campground that we were at, and we never ran into each other! It was a quick catch up, but next time we'll have to plan to get together with them since they do this trip bi-annually. :) It was definitely a Divine Appointment!
So now were are into the countdown, only five days until school. Life is chaotic as we are trying to fit in school shopping (no more flip-flops & feet have grown!), haircuts, last minute fun, school supplies -- (side note: remember when the school used to provide all that we needed??? ), etc. Pretty soon I will have all four in ONE school, the only year that it will happen, so I plan to enjoy it.

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