Sunday, July 6, 2008

It just seemed about time for us to jump into the new millineum and start blogging. I think it'll be a great way for family and friends to connect since we live all over and are involved in so many different things. Not shooting for the coolest blog, just have to start somewhere.

Since our lives pretty much revolve around our girls I might as well give some info about them (assuming it's not just the grandparents who will read this). Let's just get this out of the way now...all our girls are smart & beautiful and now I don't have to brag on them individually that way. I am unabashadly a fan of my kids, so if you don't want to hear MomBrag talk, stop reading now.

Samantha, aka Sami (please don't call her Samantha or we will all hear about it!), is now 11 years old and starting 6th grade. Her current interests are soccer (travel team) and swim (summer club). I force her to take piano lessons, and hope that someday she will forgive me. She has a myriad of other interests (singing, other seasonal sports, etc) that vary by the day or week or month. She loves being part of the middle school youth group at church. She is my fashion advisor.

Michaela, or KK as we all call her, is 9 years old and will be in 4th grade. She is also in travel soccer (favorite position - GOALIE -- gives me a heart attack each game), and will try any sport and anything outdoors. She is also forced to take piano but would rather be watching her favorite tv show. She could be addicted to mermaids if we let her. KK could care less if she showered or brushed her teeth...ever.

Tessa is our 7 year old princess going to 2nd grade. No other way to put it. She is graceful and elegant and loves to do gymnastics. She is a great little swimmer too, and does a pretty mean little butterfly across the pool. I didn't have to force her to play piano, because she cheerfully practices. I'm glad at least one of my kids won't need piano therapy.

Finally, Eliana, or Ellie, is 4 and may or may not be starting kindergarten this year. In California the cut-off for K is Dec 2 and she is late Oct birthday. She is a a fiesty and funny little girl who relishes her baby role. She is a swimmer and has started in gymnastics. My favorite thing is to watch her try to stick her landing.

So the older two left for camp with Grandpa Gary and Grandma Nan today until later this week. So life will be quiet, but the time has come to take the 'Littles' swimming since it's over 100 degrees right now.