Saturday, September 13, 2008

Nothing too new... report on the home front. Sami did make the A team for volleyball and we are all very excited for her! They did a mini-round-robin tournament with 6 other school yesterday (all the feeder schools into Clovis High) at Clovis High. She got to see lots of soccer friends from other schools. Michaela had a soccer game today and they won 7-0 (if are more than 7 ahead then they start penalizing you -- so the girls played keep away for the second half of the game). These games are fun for KK because she gets to play on the field. She played defender and forward for the second half and had a couple of shot to take, but couldn't because of the sportsmanship ruling. I will remember my camera on Monday to take pics of Tessa and Ellie at gymnastics. Tessa and I went and picked out a few new piano books and she has been faithfully practicing (the Jolly Ranchers trick has helped all the girls with incentive to practice - for every 10 min they practice they can have a candy while they play -- so my dental bill will be huge, but hey, they will be able to play piano!). Ellie moves up to the "big gym" this week at gymnastics since we moved her to the 5 year old class. Her soccer coach finally called and she starts soccer Wed. So that's the newsy-new for this week.

Brian is at the Fresno State vs. Wisconsin game right now...go BULLDOGS! Sami is being a ball-girl at the Fresno Pacific womens soccer game tonight and KK is at the FPU game also with a friend's family and is going to spend the night at her house (her first time she has ever wanted to spend the night away from home!). So the little's and I treated ourselves to Panda Express. Yum! :)

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