Saturday, September 6, 2008

Lotsa stuff!

Wow, can't believe how fast time whizzes by. The girls are all thoroughly enjoying school. Ellie is doing well with Kindergarten and her teacher loves her. She should be starting her first week of soccer this year for U6's, but we still haven't heard from her coach. Today we finally found a pair of cleats small enough (special ordered from the soccer store). She is thrilled!

Tessa is doing great in her combo class. I've noticed more homework this year but she seems to be up for it. I am going to try to teach Tessa piano for awhile, she seems to take direction ok from me, and it'll save us some cash flow. She is just a few pages away from being done with the primer book. I now remember why I don't teach piano patience is thin! I'm hoping to remember to bring my camera to take pics at gymnastics tomorrow.

Michaela is having fun with her first 'man' teacher. :) She enjoys the social aspect and tolerates all the school stuff. The 4th graders are able to do cross-country, so she tried out and made the Varsity team (top 7 girls in the 4th grade in the .7 mile race). On Friday she went to a regional meet and ran her first course against about 8 schools and took 5th overall! We were pleasantly shocked! She has that competitive heart. Today she had an awesome soccer game and had some pretty phenomenal saves...they won 4-2 against the hardest team in our fall league. It's fun to see the confidence building.

Sami is tolerating 6th grade, but seems ready for jr high (can it be???). She decided to try volleyball for the school sport instead of cross-country. They scrimmaged another team yesterday and won. She is hoping to make the A team but will settle for B as long as she's not on the C team. She should find out this week. Her soccer team has been struggling somewhat since the lost their leading forward scorer about a month ago and another forward broke her collarbone at practice this week. Sami is working hard at being a forward, but it's not 'natural' for her, although her coach says that she is a natural forward. They had a game this morning and played very, very well, but lost 1-0. We just found out that her coach is pregnant, due in April, so the girls are all excited and already planning the baby shower.

So that's it around here. Brian is finishing up his summer class, but started his two class for this fall, so is busy. I'm just doing that same old thing. Work, kids, work, kids, etc. Life is good! Here are a few pictures from Michaela's big win...

KK with three girls from her soccer team from another school -
she raced against them!

Coming down the home stretch - Brian yelled 'kick it in' and KK yelled back
'I can't' at him, but then she poured it on.
Proudly displaying the medal she won!

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